With a rhythm in his veins from an early age, Mark embarked on his drumming journey in grammar school, where his passion for percussion ignited. Transitioning into his teenage years, he delved deeper into the world of drumming, honing his skills through lessons and live performances in local bands across parties and coffee houses.
His journey took a pivotal turn when he ventured out west and found himself in Los Angeles, where a fortuitous connection led to invaluable studio experience. Over the past four decades, he has been a steadfast presence in the music scene, gracing stages across New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania with various cover bands, entertaining audiences in bars and clubs.
Amidst his busy schedule, Mark found time to share his love for drumming by teaching others the art and joy of playing percussion. With a wealth of experience under his belt, he looks forward to guiding aspiring drummers on their own musical odyssey, ensuring they discover the boundless expression and exhilaration that drumming has to offer.